atmospheric composition

美 [ˌætməsˈferɪk ˌkɑːmpəˈzɪʃn]英 [ˌætməsˈferɪk ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃn]
  • 大气成分
atmospheric compositionatmospheric composition
  1. Discussion On Atmospheric Composition Watch And Service System Construction Of Jiangxi Province


  2. Design of sun tracking system for FTIR monitoring of atmospheric composition


  3. Design and Implementation of Atmospheric Composition Information Platform for Dalian


  4. New results by SZ-4 atmospheric composition measurement


  5. A comprehensive introduction is made to the design and features of the atmospheric composition information platform for Dalian .


  6. Land use affects the climate , mainly by changing the land surface albedo and atmospheric composition .


  7. An atmospheric composition monitoring system , in which the sun-tracking and FTIR spectroscopy are combined , is introduced .


  8. New results of abnormal change of the thermosphere atmospheric composition observed by " sz-4 " atmospheric composition detector during geomagnetic disturbances


  9. First , the adjustment action of terrestrial ecosystem for global change is discussed , mostly included the adjustments of terrestrial ecosystem for atmospheric composition and global climate ;


  10. Atmospheric composition is complex and the condition of atmosphere is changed with meteorological conditions . So , molecular and particles in air attenuate to the infrared radiation in Different time and location .


  11. With the continuous usage of weather observation tools in meteorological departments , a large number of data are accumulated , covering weather , climate , lightning , agriculture ecology , atmospheric composition and so on .


  12. The parameters include : atmospheric composition , atmospheric wind field , wind speed , the electron concentration and temperature , ion concentration and temperature , particle collisions frequency . The variation of these parameters is also the content of the study .


  13. The subsurface and internal structures of Mars have recorded the history of Mars ' formation and evolution . And the ionosphere and atmosphere are significant for deep understanding of Martian atmospheric composition , climate change and space environment .


  14. Wetland is one of human survival and development environments . As a water source it not only can direct used or supplement the groundwater , but also can adjust the atmospheric composition , water regulation , the local micro-climate , and provide the venue for the animal habitats .


  15. Besides , the data of n ( He ) observed at perigees are used to roughly estimate the altitudes of the turbopause Z t and their variations according the two distinct vertical distributions of atmospheric composition in low and upper atmospheres : the homogeneous mixing and the diffusive separation .


  16. Global Two-Dimensional Chemistry Model and Simulation of Atmospheric Chemical Composition


  17. Analysis of Atmospheric Dust Composition and Its Influence in Hexi Corridor , Gansu


  18. The Research on the Environmental Significance of Atmospheric Sulfur Isotopic Composition in Hengyang


  19. Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer ( MASCS ): Profiles of atmospheric composition on the day and night sides ;


  20. Ground calibration system for sz-3 atmospheric density detector and atmospheric composition detector
